Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Shoes, shoes, shoes

I'm off to a shoe fair near Lappeenranta (see map below)! This week is going to be HECTIC! Here's a little preview of the upcoming week, and I'll post some pictures of my new babies (thanks Friis&Co!) when I have more time (maybe with some kind of an "outfit of the day" type of theme).

Fillings for the bags


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Days 6&7

This week we started with typing in some orders, which wasn't nearly as hard as I'd imagined! I've also been doing some basic excel sheets of stuff we have stocked and will be selling, and also of products that are missing from the spring collections (a few whole pages in some cases..).

We've had quite a bit of customers at the showroom this week, so it's been a bit of running around like headless chickens when you're supposed to have a few minutes in between customers, but actually have no time what so ever, and there's only four of us taking care of the customers and showing them around. So a lot of missed lunch breaks and angry, hungry tummys. No matter, no matter, I've still enjoyed every bit and I think it's nice to see the more hectic side as well.

Today I thought I would introduce two more of our brands: Lyle&Scott Vintage and Supertrash.

"Established 1874, Lyle & Scott is a Scottish knitwear brand, formerly known for golfing knitwear. It acquired a younger more fashionable following with young ‘casuals’ in the 1980s. The rejuvenation of the brand can be traced back to 2003 with the launch of the ‘Vintage’ collection with its ‘Golden Eagle’ logo. It was taken up by a host of indie bands and youth TV presenters."

First of all, all of the clothes I've seen so far from Lyle&Scott look, and feel really good. The Golden Eagle logo just makes the clothes a bit more special, without seeming preppy. Here's a few pictures from the AW12 lookbook:

The next brand is one of my absolute favourites: Supertrash!

"SuperTrash is a true it-girl label for independent women with great sense for fashion and style. The brand stands for living a successful life, being sophisticated and not being afraid to show who you are. The SuperTrash woman combines outspoken personality with effortless style, yet she is never too polished and her outfits always have that element of surprise."

I am totally in love with the main spring collection. There's something for everyone! From bad-ass biker girls to the princess-like-primadonnas.  I love how they combine different materials into really interesting ensembles. Here's some of my favourites from the fall collection:


This "Thousandways" dreass is so handy! You can do pretty much any shape or style with just one simple dress ;)


I've heard a lot of positive feedback about these wedge sole shoes, extremely comfy!

Take a look at the amazing, beautiful and sexy lookbook! And keep an eye on the Magazine and Blog as well ;)

Last, but definetely not least I would like to show you guys a picture that made everyone at the showroom very proud: the Finnish version of "So you think you can dance?" showed some support for Oill, and we of course could not be more proud of this! Take a look ;)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 5

Today has been solely dedicated to Friis&Co (we did go over some Georgina&Lucy bags as well). At noon I got to work with my very first customer! Very exciting and fun, going through all the SS/13 bags and accessories and what not. My duty as a translator also started today, because our sales manager doesn't speak much finnish, so it's easier when I'm around to translate both from finnish to english or english to finnish. This makes the whole process a lot smoother and faster when you don't have to rely on "sign language".

Unfortunately I cannot post any pictures of the new bags, shoes or accessories, because they haven't hit the stores yet (nor will they anytime in the near near future (next year to be precis)). But I would like to share some of my favourites from the currently available bags and accessories.

So cool!

I love the colour and the diamond details!

The material for this one is so exotic: raffia and imitation croco skin!

What makes this bag unique is the fact that its made of wool.

And last but not least to funk up everyones friday I present this lovely rosegold "necklace"

With this post I end my "privacy" and am making this blog public and available for everyone. I hope you guys will like it and stay tuned, because it looks like there will be something very exciting happening at the end of this month!

P.S. All the pictures are taken from the official Friis&Co website.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Days 2,3 & 4

The past days I've been working with the Nümph SS/13 collection. On Tuesday we started with putting away the old collection and selecting the PR pieces. After that I unpacked the new collection and it was time for some steaming(!) and pricing. When all of the steaming and sticking of price labels was done, I placed the collection according to some guideline pictures we had gotten from Nümph. My favourite duty of the past days was the primping of the "styletable". Playing around with the clothes and accessories was super fun!

Here's some pictures from the past days:



And after:

For some reason blogger won't show this picture correctly...

Theres been a lot going on at the showroom this week, we're still trying to settle down and there are some final touches to be finished as well. Luckily all the clients have loved the (slightly unfinished) new showroom, and have been very understanding with some of the noise the contractors make.

Today the contractors started with two of the walls (Superdry and the "main" wall where I think the company logo might be placed) and I can't wait to see it all finished, and to share some pictures, because it's going to be AMAZING!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 1

Mood: Excited!

Today could not have started out better, it was straight to business! We started the day with a tour of the new premises and gosh it looked amazing, more than double the size of the previous place! Of course there's still some small touches that need to be finished, but it looked amazing considering its been only a few weeks since they started settling down. While Mette was showing be around the showroom we talked a little bit about my tasks-to-be and I am really looking forward to the PR stuff!

After the tour I got my hands "dirty" with the Kangol collection (http://www.kangol.com/ ), sorting out boxes after boxes of hats, caps, baseballs, you name it(!), according to page number and collection. After finishing that I got to prizing, which was quite challenging considering all the prizes were not in any alphabetical (or otherwise logical) order. When I was finally done with the prizing, it was time to get my hands dirty with some Friis&Co pricelabelsticking. Oh the shoes, the shoes...

All in all I would say it was a good start for my internship and I cant wait for tomorrow and the Nümph collection!


Saturday, August 11, 2012


I thought I would start by introducing the company, their history and some of their values.

The company I am doing my internship at is called Griffin&Co. The company was founded in 2007 when the "want to create a platform for finding, introducing and building successful international brands in Scandinavia and Baltic Countries" was introduced. The company shares the goal and aspirations of both its brands and its customers.

They are currently representing 17 different brands from womens and mens wear to accessories and shoes.

"We believe in investing and giving back what we get to mother nature. Griffin & Co donates 3% of their annual gross profit straight to different charities. We dare you and others to get involved and take action to SAVE THE PLANET. Eat and support Organic ways. Save the nature. Save the animals. Save yourself."

I personally fell in love with the company when they invited me over for an interview. What I love most about the company is the fact that their sales manager is Danish, and that she studied the same subjects at school that I am currently studying (faith in my studies restored!). For me being an intern at an international company is about as good as it gets, so I am really looking forward to Monday morning and actually starting my internship!