Wednesday, June 12, 2013

One of those days

Dear Johanna,

Today has, once again, been a slight nightmare. Nothing seems to work for me here, except for weekends, and everything after work.

My day started out with one of the coffee machines looking like it has exploded. Wet coffee shit everywhere, and we're talking about a machine that is 2m tall.. After that, I succesfully poured like a gazillion euros on the floor (inventory going on, and that means the "coffer" or money bank inside the machines needs to be emptied into a bag. Which I succesfully missed). As if that wasn't enough, I actually locked myself inside my van. In the trunk. Literally inside my fucking trunk. Allthough big, I was feeling a bit claustrophobic thinking about how long I would have to stay there. Luckily, I'm blessed with quick brains, jumped over a million boxes in a wanna-be Superman position, got the sidedoor open and escaped. As if that wasn't enough, I continued this newfound Superman inspiration of mine and with wet shoes (while rushing to get something to eat), half fell sideways, hit my arm on the side of the door, but had quick enough feet to recover before hitting the ground. And nope, still not enough, also hit my head when loading my van, which btw is fucking full, will upload a picture tomorrow ;)

                                          This was more or less what I must've looked like:

This is me more or less every morning for the past few weeks:

                     And this is me for the past two days, after eating the best meals ever:

Now I will get back to finishing school (fuck oral presentations and HOLY CRAP THAT THUNDER!!) and I will see you my little country girl this friday! (Lights are flickering.... Oh boy)

Miss you, puss och kram,



  1. Best thing I've read in ages. Jasmiina Kiiski for preseident, or at least bloggingqueen! Looking forward to friday like crazy craaaaay! xo xo :):):)

    1. HAHA then you must've read some awful shit lately ;) I can't fucking wait, its gonna be epic, its gonna be wild and its gonna be..... wait for it..... wait for it..... LEGENDARY <3
